Açor-H: Cloud Services for Healthcare
Schedule appointments, treatments and exams simply and quickly. Track the clinical process or control your clinic’s finances on a single platform. Everything integrated so you never waste time.

Meet Açor-H
Açor-H is an innovative software platform developed for Healthcare. It works in the Cloud which allows users to share the same services in a unique way.
You can also choose to keep the database in your data center or in a data center managed by our organization.
Choose the services for your Health Unit.
Açor-H works with services. This means that you can choose only the ones you need. It is simple and economical.
- Specific dashboards for Appointments, Treatments, Exams and Billing.
- Filters by dates, Entity, Doctor, Specialty, Physiotherapist and type of exams.
Clinical Process
- Clinical process transversal to the various aspects of the platform with areas and separators that can be parameterized by a doctor or specialty
- Visualization of appointments performed by diagnosis (ICD9 or ICD 10)
- Viewing the agenda by the doctor with the possibility of the doctor being able to make appointments
- Creation of separators configurable by a doctor
- Clinical process areas:
- Antecedents – Personal, Family, Allergies, Habits and Addictions
- Vital Signs – Blood Pressure, Capillary Glycemia, Body Temperature, BMI
- Clinical History – Free text automatically cataloged by the system with concept of traceability and possibility of alteration by the doctor during the first 24 hours
- Treatments/Physiotherapy – Prescription of treatment compatible with parameterization by pathology and ICD. Consultation of the user’s ongoing and performed treatments. Consultation of the treatment evolution form completed by the physiotherapist
Electronic Prescription
SPMS certified drug prescription
MCDT's Prescription
Prescription of exams with electronic signature by the doctor and publication of the results in the user’s record.
- Appointment schedule by specialty and doctor with daily, weekly and monthly viewing
- Consult availability of appointment of the various doctors
- Scheduling by appointment type
- Exchange of appointments per doctor / day
- Daily list of appointments of the various doctors with registration of services performed by health subsystem and issuing invoice receipt
- User insertion by citizen card and RNU
- Launch of SNS credentials and paperless exams
- GDPR document
- Sending SMS and email of the appointment schedule
- Management maps and cashbook
- Planning for scheduling treatments by physiotherapist and assistant
- Agenda with daily, weekly and monthly view
- Color characterization of the 1st session, last session, session with discharge, absence, provisional marking
- Automatic search by technician
- Waiting list of treatment prescriptions
- List of treatments marked with status cataloging (Started, Unstarted, Finished, Suspended, Provisional
- Total or partial invoice receipt of treatments
- Daily list of treatment sessions by technician with information on the prescribed treatment
- Record of claims record
- Launch of SNS credentials and paperless exams
- Sending treatment scheduling messages and emails with treatment plan
- Management maps, treatment statistics and cashbook
- Examination schedule by doctor and technician with daily, weekly and monthly viewing
- Sending SMS and email of the exam schedule
- Daily list of tests to be carried out by the various doctors with registration of services performed by health subsystem and issuing of invoice receipt
- Preparation of examination report
- Control of exam deliveries
- Launch of SNS credentials and paperless exams
- Management Maps and Cash Book
- Consultation of hospitalization records and services performed by the user
- Registration of hospitalized users with individual information registration process regarding the doctor, nurse, psychologist, physiotherapy, social work and others
- Control of medication intake with registration and stock-outs
- Billing to the user and contracted entity
- Integration with other Clicloud modules
Continuous care
- System for any type of continuous care
- Registration of hospitalized users with individual information registration process regarding the doctor, nurse, psychologist, physiotherapy, social work and others
- Possibility of parameterization of information registration models using excel and word
- Control of medication intake with registration and stock-outs
- Billing to the NHS and Social Security according to the rules defined by the national network of continuous care
- Integration with other Clicloud modules
- Billing certified by the tax authority and sending a SAFT file
- Issuance of all types of accounting documents
- Invoicing process to health subsystems according to its norms and rules (SNS, ADSE, ADM, PSP, GNR)
- Automatic communication like the ADSE system for billing without the need to use ADSE Direct
- Electronic files for SNS, PSP, ADM, GNR
- Billing to insurance companies according to their rules
- Billing maps by entity or user
Current Accounts
- Current account of users, entities and suppliers
- Account statement control maps, balance sheets, Pending listing
- Receipt Listings, Payment Notes Issued
- Registration and consultation of incoming and outgoing financial movements according to the invoicing made by Clicloud
- Registration of advances and returns
- Cash maps and treasury summary
- Setting up bank accounts
- Registration and consultation of bank movements according to payments made
- Bank reconciliations
- Banking movements map
- Entry and exit registration of articles
- Article sheet with specific fields in the health area
- Multi-warehouse system
- Transfer between warehouses
- Warehouse orders and purchase requisitions
- Product requests from suppliers
- Purchase registration through the control of the issued request
- Request control if it was fully or partially satisfied
- Automatic registration in stock and supplier’s current account
Consult the agenda and the patient’s medical history.
Schedule treatments and consult the appointments.
Simple dashboards about appointments, exams, treasury, billing and currents accounts.
It allows patients to alter the data given and consult medications, surgeries and prescriptions issued, treatments carried out and existing debits.
For all Health areas.
Açor-H adjusts to your needs.
Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Clinics
Physiotherapy Offices
Radiology Clinics
Dental Clinics
Continuing Care
I’d like to subscribe to the Açor-H Platform!
Clinics that trust

Free Trial
You will receive in your email a key to access the Açor-H Platform to use for 8 days without obligation.